Tuesday, April 17, 2012

XXS Little Free Art Gallery: Milk-carton Prototype

XXS Little Free Art Gallery Milk Carton Prototype by Doug Millison

XXS Little Free Art Gallery: Milk-carton Prototype

Gallery windows in opposite side of the carton and in each sidewall.

"FREE ART" signed original painting installed inside, as described in the also-under-development Project: RECURSION design document.

This and other XXS Little Free Art Gallery boxes each including "FREE ART" signed original painting, will be distributed for free from the full-size Little Free Art Gallery No. 1 now in development for installation at the El Cerrito, California test site. 

Landing page for QR scan also under development. There, the person who takes the XXS Little Free Art Gallery box  connects with the project and pins the location of the art's new home to the project map.

Installation Concept:  "FREE ART" “Recursion” 

Location:  No.1 at 6915 Wilson Way, El Cerrito, California + elsewhere TBA

Public invited to participate in the project by gathering clues at participating partner locations, using social media online check-ins on smartphones & tablets and QR code scanning to connect to the project Web site. 

Clues lead to Little Free Art Gallery installations.

Each full-size Little Free Art Gallery (No.1 in El Cerrito is 3’ wide, 2’ high, 2’ deep) distributes miniature XXS Little Free Art Galleries each created and contributed by a participating artist.  Current XXS Little Free Art Gallery prototypes are the size of half-gallon milk carton and an 8-inch USPS shipping box. 

Some artists may choose to create distribute additional XXS Little Free Art Galleries and place them in diverse locations where participants can find them.

Each XXS  Little Free Art Gallery presents a small, original, framed painting, signed by the artist. The image in the painting consists of a 2-word phrase, given various typographic, color, texture, etc. treatments in different versions by different artists:   


On the back of the little painting, a Free Art Exchange Mini-Manifesto proclaims:

You need art. Artists need you.
Art = Creativity + Community. 

QR code links full-size and XXS Little Free Art Galleries and individual “FREE ART” paintings to landing pages that explain the project, provide information about and links to the participating artists, and let the recipient pin the art work to the online map and take part in the discussion and other activities there.

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