How does Little Free Art Gallery fit within the growing community of organizations and events that explore "free" alternatives?
A: Little Free Art Gallery grows out of work by Doug Millison in 2011, when he developed a plan for a membership-based
creative community and production facility in the San Francisco Bay
Area, formalized in a project called and evolving in
2012 to include the Little Free Art Gallery.
The project
focuses on creating communities centered on making and sharing original
works of art for free, celebrating the process: Art Making → Curating →
Exhibiting → Receiving → Giving
Online, the Little Free Art
Gallery Project gives artists a way to document the original works that
they give away for free, in a Free Art Exchange directory/app --
available for free, naturally.
Little Free Art Gallery Project
encourages artists, art teachers, curators, and others to establish
their own Little Free Art Gallery installations in art studios,
classrooms, museums, and community locations where art lovers can
encounter them and help themselves to free original art works.
Little Free Art Gallery installations range in size from "single-serving
size" gallery boxes that include one original work of art, to
booth-sized units that provide an immersive gallery experience for one
or a small group of art lovers. We also plan community deployments
involving multiple artists who each create "single-serving size" Little
Free Art Gallery boxes and place them in public places where art lovers
can find them and take appropriate actions as a result.
development: Web-connected Little Free Art Gallery kiosks and app that
can distribute original works of digital art for download by art-lovers
on the Web at, via smartphone app, or from
Little Free Art Gallery digital, Web-connected kiosks.
We welcome all interested parties to help move this exciting project forward.
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